Book Review: Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson

Emotionally intense installment of The Stormlight Archive.

A paperback copy of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson sits on a white desk next to various notebooks and journals.
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Another incredible installment of the Stormlight Archive.

I spent the majority of November savoring this one. I really enjoyed how Navani and Kaladin’s situation played out, it was likely the part of the book that I was most invested in.

"Some people charged toward the goal, running for all they had. Others stumbled. But it wasn't the speed that mattered. It was the direction they were going."

There was also incredible character development with Kaladin and his family, Shallan, Adolin + May, and the singers. I really loved reading more about Eshonai and Venli’s history and upbringing. I love a good backstory and this didn’t disappoint.

I know that some people find that this one lacks some action, however I immediately felt an intense pull right around the 40% mark. I was turning pages so fast to see how it would play out.

Ahaha also, “Journey before destination, you bastard" had me hollering!! The most incredible line.

"Our weakness doesn't make us weak. Our weakness makes us strong. For we had to carry it all these years."

The emotional intensity + incredible character development throughout really made for a compelling addition to the Stormlight Archive. I’ve started reading Wind and Truth (the 5th installment) and I have no doubt it’s going to devastate me.

Rating: ★★★★★

Book Summary

  • Title: Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive, #4)
  • Author: Brandon Sanderson
  • Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Epic Fantasy
  • Who Should Read It? Anyone who's just finished Dawnshard and heading into the fourth expansive installation of The Stormlight Archive.

Synopsis: After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. Neither side has gained an advantage, and the threat of a betrayal by Dalinar’s crafty ally Taravangian looms over every strategic move.

Now, as new technological discoveries by Navani Kholin’s scholars begin to change the face of the war, the enemy prepares a bold and dangerous operation. The arms race that follows will challenge the very core of the Radiant ideals, and potentially reveal the secrets of the ancient tower that was once the heart of their strength.

At the same time that Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with his changing role within the Knights Radiant, his Windrunners face their own problem: As more and more deadly enemy Fused awaken to wage war, no more honorspren are willing to bond with humans to increase the number of Radiants. Adolin and Shallan must lead the coalition’s envoy to the honorspren stronghold of Lasting Integrity and either convince the spren to join the cause against the evil god Odium, or personally face the storm of failure.